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3 Questions to Change Your Future

The look you get when all of your hard work has paid off and you finally meet your goal!

For some reason, certain posts on social media receive greater traffic than others.
Why is this? Something to ponder at another time and day…


Since this post received a lot of traction on social media I thought I would expand on the topic of goal-setting, asking questions, and going after it.

Since 7th grade, I was running the 400-meter dash and coming up short of the school record. Fast forward 6 years and I was finally able to crush that goal. I discussed in detail more about this experience in my earlier blogs.

What goal are you working towards though? WRITE IT DOWN!

Goals are much more likely to be achieved if they are written down. Research has even supported this. It doesn’t take much time so what’s stopping you? Grab a pen and paper and jot it down.

Like I said earlier, it took me 6 years to accomplish my goal. The timing of how long it takes to meet your goal doesn’t matter though. Don’t put pressure and stress out about the timeline. Instead, focus on these questions that I had to ask myself to make my goal a reality.

Regarding your goal, ask yourself:

1. What do I need to start doing?
2. What do I need to stop doing?
3. What do I need to continue doing?

For me I had to:

1. Start lifting since I avoided it up until my senior year.
2. Stop doubting my abilities.
3. Continue to push hard at practice and seek out feedback from coaches.


If you want to achieve your goals we have to face these harsh realities.

There are things we know we SHOULD do, but we refuse to do them. Why is that? Because humans are great at avoiding the hard things. Our mind and body naturally want to avoid any discomfort, extra work, effort, and possibly scary thing out there. It’s instinctual. We need to ignore our minds and bodies and do it anyways. Push out of your comfort zone and start doing things that may scare you, but will push you towards your goal.

There are also things that we KNOW we shouldn’t do and KNOW will not get us towards our goal, but we do them anyway. STOP THEM NOW! There is no better time than the present. Make a commitment right here, right now, to stop doing whatever is preventing you from your goals. Don’t let your weaknesses cloud your judgment and stray you away from what’s important.

Lastly, we need to give ourselves some credit. You are working hard towards your goals and are making positive choices for your future. What are they? What are the things/choices you are currently doing/making that are directing you towards your goal that you want to commit to CONTINUE doing? Yes, there will always be things we can start doing or need to stop doing, but there are things that we are doing well. Point out the positives because you, my mentally strong friend, have the eye of the storm mentality and are a hard worker! You deserve to give yourself some praise for your efforts.

Justin Su’a has a great podcast called Increase Your Impact, which is FREE (yes I said free) on your podcast app on your iPhone, which is how I listen to it. He goes into more detail about these 3 questions to ask yourself. Check out more about his podcast here!

Keep pushing towards your goals so that you too can experience the elated feeling of achieving something that you worked hard for!

Share what your goals are and your answers to the 3 questions in the comments! The best way to make a change and move forward with our goals is to share with others and have them hold us accountable!

Keep that eye of the storm mentality!

– Jenna

2 Replies to “3 Questions to Change Your Future”

  1. admin

    I love the transparency you provide with your life lessons and your teaching. You don’t shy away from discussing things that were difficult, mistakes and even things you wish you did differently. Keep it up Jenna!

    1. admin

      Thanks for taking the time to read and comment, I appreciate you!

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