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Daily Archives: April 11, 2018

Days of Doubt: Is it worth it?

Today I want to reach out and discuss something we all experience; even myself at times.

We all experience days of doubt.

We doubt ourselves. We doubt our abilities. We doubt our talent. We doubt where we may end up.

Somedays I wonder, “What am I doing?” “Is it all worth it?” Maybe you ask yourself similar questions at times.

How can we combat these doubts in ourselves?

I have to honest with you. Most days I am stressed to the max. I am tired, overwhelmed, exhausted and doubt myself often. I can hardly find the energy at times to get home, make dinner, and spend quality time with the boyfriend.

On top of working a job that takes an emotional toll already (I work at a day-treatment facility for at-risk middle schoolers,) I commute 40 minutes, teach Zumba 2x a week, try to work out daily, be a present girlfriend, and trying to run my dream business, The Mental Clutch, LLC.

Running a business is a lot. I really had no experience going into all of this and am still learning as I go. Most days I feel like I have no idea what I am doing. Most of the time I am stressed and confused and my business is small with just me. I couldn’t imagine having other employees and running a bigger one.

Anyways, the marketing, reaching out to new clients, staying in touch with former clients, blogging, tweeting, trying to inspire others; well it can take a toll. I do need to thank each and everyone of you who are reading this though and who have subscribed to my email list because you all keep me sane and are the reason I keep going!

It may seem that I’m complaining, but I need to vent at times to get it out. Which I believe most of us do. Take the time vent it out with someone else you trust and who supports you or write it out. My only advice is that once it’s out you need to move on.

Ok my stuff is out there now… moving on!

(I have to practice what I preach.)

Here’s the point though. Is it hard? Yes. Is it stressful? Yes. Sometimes do I consider why am I running a company when at times I see it going nowhere? Absolutely.

This is what changes the game though.



Do you feel the energy? Do you hear the excitement? This is my passion. This is my dream career.

Once I lead a session it reminds me that it is all worth it. The stress, the paperwork, the marketing, and everything else that takes a toll is worth it to be able to work with these teams and provide them useful information that will make them not only better athletes, but better people. Many people think that I get to inspire so many others with the work I do. That might be the case, but I am the one who walks away inspired by them each and every time.

How exciting is that?!?? After a session I am literally on a cloud nine for hours. I can’t stop smiling and gushing to others how ecstatic and pumped I am. Doing this work fills up my cup to the max. I no longer am tired, exhausted, and feel like it’s not worth it.

The fact is; we all go through days of doubt. No matter what job you have. Whether it is raising kids, coaching a team, being an athlete, being a mental consultant, etc. You will have days where you ask yourself, “Why am I doing this? Is it worth it? Will it go anywhere?”

Even though I would LOVE my consulting company to grow bigger to the point where it can be my full-time job I will not quit if it doesn’t happen. If I can lead one session every few months, it’s worth it to me.

Will I still have days of doubt? Yes. Will I still question if I’m good enough? Yes. Will I question if I will fail? Yes. But you need to face the fears and the doubts to be able to experience the high of gratitude, happiness, and success in the end.

On those days of doubt, frustration, and stress remind yourself of your passion, love, and joy for what you get to do.

Do you have doubts, concerns, or worries as well? Let me know! We shouldn’t have to go at it alone. Let others know what you’re going through and seek the guidance and help that will help you unload your stressand worries so that you can move on and focus on the final product.
I’d love to hear from you whether it’s a comment on the post, mental performance related, or about your own struggles. Looking forward to hearing from you!

Til next time 🙂

Keep up the eye of the storm mentality!

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