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Frequently Asked Questions

Sport and Exercise Psychology is the study of how psychological factors affect performance and exercise. Professionals in this field use mental skills training (MST) to assist athletes with their performance by understanding how mental factors can affect their physical performance.

Topics covered through MST include confidence, mental toughness, focus, motivation, emotion regulation, goal-setting, resiliency, team-building, and much more! During your first session, you will discuss what mental skills you would like to focus on and build from there.

There are a wide variety of titles used for professionals in the field of sport and exercise psychology. However, the term sports psychologist refers to a licensed psychologist who is able to work with performance AND psychological concerns. A sports consultant has many other titles such as mental coach/consultant, performance coach/consultant, etc. and refers to someone who is not licensed but has an educational background in sports psychology or has earned a certification in sport and exercise psychology. Without a license, they are not able to work with psychological/clinical concerns and must focus solely on mental performance skills.

Mental skills are similar to any other skill that you are learning to develop and master. It will take time, dedication, and practice to be able to see the impact that mental training will have on your mind and your performance.

Mental skills training can benefit everyone of all ages, skill levels, and abilities. Clients range from someone who wants to commit to a healthier lifestyle, youth to elite athletes, stage performers, coaches, and business professionals. Anyone who wants to become more confident, resilient, and manage their emotions will benefit from sport psychology services!

Go to the contact page listed above and send Jenna a message! She will contact you back soon and provide more information on packages and what will fit you best to meet your goals.

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